Join us in urgently prioritizing emissions reductions by welcoming all types of clean energy—including nuclear!
We have a big problem. We human use energy constantly. But emissions from our primary sources of reliable energy, fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, are causing a climate catastrophe. We want to replace that energy with non-emitting technologies—like wind and solar—but we need reliable energy systems that don’t depend on the weather. Fortunately, we have solutions . . . like nuclear energy!
We can use hydro, geothermal and nuclear power to do this. All of them are low-emission but hydro and geothermal are geographically constrained and do not scale easily. Which leaves nuclear power. It turns out, nuclear power produces about 20% of our electricity and the majority of our clean energy. Which means that we need to continue to operate these facilities in order not to move backwards in our transition to 100% clean energy transition.
Nuclear power has proven to be a clean, safe, cost-effective source of highly reliable carbon-free energy with an exceptionally small ecologic footprint. With zero emissions, it has been helping to keep our air clean for more than sixty years. Historic opposition to nuclear power was largely based upon concerns about safety, nuclear waste and costs. Yet these concerns have been shown to be misplaced, based upon safe and effective performance over six decades. A clear-eyed assessment of the data finds that nuclear’s dense, carbon-free, high-capacity power provides a unique and critical benefit that is especially important in our urgent battle to decarbonize our grids, and experts have called for more nuclear power, not less.
Nuclear power has proven to be a clean, safe, cost-effective source of highly reliable carbon-free energy with an exceptionally small ecologic footprint. With zero emissions, it has been helping to keep our air clean for more than sixty years. Historic opposition to nuclear power was largely based upon concerns about safety, nuclear waste and costs. Yet these concerns have been shown to be misplaced, based upon safe and effective performance over six decades. A clear-eyed assessment of the data finds that nuclear’s dense, carbon-free, high-capacity power provides a unique and critical benefit that is especially important in our urgent battle to decarbonize our grids, and experts have called for more nuclear power, not less.
The Climate Coalition is a group that prioritizes reducing emissions with every tool we have as a matter of life and death. Thus, we cannot afford to say no to nuclear any more than we can afford to say no to hydro, wind or solar. Thus, before you support irreversible, self-defeating decisions to prematurely shutter nuclear power based upon disproven anti-nuclear myths and fossil fuel-funded propaganda, we urge you to take some time to #KnowNukes. We have provided a lot of information to help you learn the truth so you don’t get fooled by those hoping to compete by maligning nuclear energy. Not only is nuclear power a necessary component of our clean energy solution, it is one that is vastly more sustainable than almost any other energy source.