Who Opposes Nuclear Energy

Exploring Who Opposes Nuclear Energy and Why As anachronistic as it is, anti-nuclear forces still exert a lot of political power in the U.S. and around the world.  We shall take a look at some of the prominent corporations, spokespeople, organizations and local activists opposing nuclear.  [...]

Who Opposes Nuclear Energy2022-07-24T10:02:29-07:00

Union of Concerned Scientists now supports nuclear power

The release of a Union of Concerned Scientists report calling for policies to support continued operation of nuclear power plants marks a watershed. UCS is the first major environmental NGO to recognize that nuclear energy presently, and for the foreseeable future, is a key climate mitigation technology. It is also the first to publicly and explicitly call for policies to support nuclear energy.

Union of Concerned Scientists now supports nuclear power2018-11-13T22:26:47-08:00
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