February 10, 2021

Holman Jenkins
Wall Street Journal

Dear Holman:

Californians for Green Nuclear Power, Inc. (CGNP) appreciates your endorsement of nuclear power in your recent article, “Biden’s Age of  Climate Decadence.”

CGNP has been fighting to keep Diablo Canyon Power Plant running past 2025 before such regulators as the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

We thought you would like to see our recent filing before the CPUC. A FERC docket EL21-13 was opened in late October, 2020 in response to a Complaint we filed with FERC.

CGNP would appreciate your feedback.  Thanks!

Gene Nelson, Ph.D.  CGNP Legal Assistant
Californians for Green Nuclear Power, Inc. (CGNP)