About Valerie Gardner
Valerie Gardner has focused on finding scalable ways for individuals, organizations and governments to respond to climate change since 2005. She learned the basics by creating environmental educational programs for schools, then broadening her purview to create programming for area towns starting in 2007. In 2010, she began exploring how to decrease carbon emission exposure from investment portfolios and developed a "post-carbon-priced" portfolio strategy. Her research into clean energy solutions at scale led her to nuclear power, where she discovered the industry's impressive technological performance and a rather large but under-the-radar pronuclear community. She thought more environmentalists needed to get to #KnowNukes better. In 2016, she co-founded the Climate Coalition with a few other climate activists and who recognized that without nuclear's clean baseload power, humanity will remain dependent upon fossil fuels—especially natural gas—for reliable grids for far too long. The Climate Coalition is working to broaden awareness of this problem and the increasingly urgent need for the environmental movement to finally acknowledge the immense benefits of nuclear energy.