Sign the Petition

  SIGN OUR PETITION : Improve the Energiewende! Let clean nuclear, hydro, wind and solar work in unity towards 100% clean! We are sick and tired of the self-defeating bickering within the Climate Movement! By opposing other types of clean energy, we are shooting ourselves in the foot and allowing fossil [...]

Sign the Petition2023-02-06T09:27:15-08:00

Wall Street Journal acknowledges need for nuclear energy to address climate change

Wall Street Journal acknowledges need for nuclear energy to address climate change On January 11, 2019, the Wall Street Journal established itself as the media source willing to help environmentalists sharpen their pencils about the mathematical challenge posed by climate change and our dependence upon fossil fuels.  In an article written by [...]

Wall Street Journal acknowledges need for nuclear energy to address climate change2019-01-16T13:41:52-08:00
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