Urge Nesbitt to Offer Palisades Carbon Credit Resolution

Sign our letter to Senator Aric Nesbitt to Author Resolution Recognizing Palisades' Carbon Credit-Worthiness The Climate Coalition has drafted a letter to Michigan State Senator Aric Nesbitt urging him to submit a resolution to the Michigan Legislature declaring Palisades to be a legitimate issuer of nuclear carbon offsets.  The letter [...]

Urge Nesbitt to Offer Palisades Carbon Credit Resolution2022-06-02T17:49:22-07:00

Recognition of Official Efforts to Save Palisades

Recognition of Governor Whitmer's and Secretary Granholm's Efforts to Save Palisades The Climate Coalition and hundreds of co-signers sent a letter on Valentine's Day to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the entire slate of elected Michigan officials urging them to protect Palisades. Since then, our letter has continued to garner [...]

Recognition of Official Efforts to Save Palisades2022-04-29T10:45:40-07:00

Why closing Palisades nuclear plant is like sinking the lifeboats

C C Dr. Todd Allen is professor and the Glenn F. and Gladys H. Knoll Department Chair of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences at the University of Michigan. He is also the founding director of the Fastest Path to Zero initiative and director of the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project.  He [...]

Why closing Palisades nuclear plant is like sinking the lifeboats2022-01-25T21:45:34-08:00
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