PRESS RELEASE: Advocates for Sound Climate and Energy Policy Praise New York for Proposing Nuclear Power

Albany, NY – Today climate scientists, engineers, environmentalists, labor and community leaders applaud the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for recognizing the importance of nuclear power in meeting state energy goals—now and in the future. “It’s a significant step in the right direction,” said Dr. James E. Hansen, [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Advocates for Sound Climate and Energy Policy Praise New York for Proposing Nuclear Power2023-01-01T12:35:22-08:00

New York State elected officials oppose the expansion of natural gas infrastructure

C C 53 Elected Officials sign a letter opposing the expansion of natural gas infrastructure by the NYS Public Service Commission. This is good but these officials fail to recognize that, in having closed Indian Point, downstate New York's only source of firm clean power, the PSC is obliged to [...]

New York State elected officials oppose the expansion of natural gas infrastructure2021-09-09T23:15:53-07:00
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