Italy to make climate change study compulsory in schools

Italy to make climate change study compulsory in schools Gavin Jones reports on the breaking news that Italy will require students to study climate change in school in his article, "Italy to make climate change study compulsory in schools". According to Lorenzo Fioramonti, Italy's Education Minister, Italy will become the first country to [...]

Italy to make climate change study compulsory in schools2020-01-02T15:49:45-08:00

Candidates Should Heed Obama, Clinton on Nuclear Power

Candidates Should Heed Obama and Clinton Paul Steidler has published an article in Inside Sources called “Candidates Should Heed Obama, Clinton on Nuclear Power," in which he bemoans the fact that none of the top 2020 candidates for the Democratic Party are strong nuclear energy supporters. All of the candidates highlight [...]

Candidates Should Heed Obama, Clinton on Nuclear Power2020-01-04T13:20:27-08:00

Long-term consequences

MMM The Implications of our Action and Inaction Mankind's emissions are causing big impacts on earth's climate and while many of us are focused on what we can do to prevent the situation from getting worse, it is highly like that nothing will be done [...]

Long-term consequences2018-12-12T14:24:57-08:00

Climate Change

Let Carl Sagan explain the delicate balance of our climate to you, if you don't yet understand it (from testimony before the Senate in 1985). Climate change is already here There is such an abundance of scientific evidence that establishes the causes [...]

Climate Change2023-01-01T11:16:15-08:00
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