The Tiny, Simple Nuclear Reactor That Could Change Energy

The Next Nuclear Plants Will Be Small, Svelte, and Safer Daniel Oberhaus published an article in Wired called “The Next Nuclear Plants Will Be Small, Svelte, and Safer," in which he illuminates the work done by an Oregon energy startup. NuScale Power, working on Oregon State University campus, developed a modular nuclear power reactor [...]

The Tiny, Simple Nuclear Reactor That Could Change Energy2020-01-02T15:16:16-08:00

Bill Gates urges the U.S. to develop Advanced Nuclear

What Bill Gates has Learned Ring in the new year with these wise words from Bill Gates, which were extracted from a longer article that he posted at his blog, Gates Notes, called "What I learned at work this year" on December 29, 2018. "Global emissions of greenhouse gases went [...]

Bill Gates urges the U.S. to develop Advanced Nuclear2019-01-16T13:40:32-08:00

The Case for Ecomodernism

Why traditional “environmentalism” falls short If you are reading this page, the chances are good that you consider yourself an environmentalist.  You want to protect the environment for future generations just like we do.  It is easy to be against pollution and environmental degradation but the question is, what are you for?  […]

The Case for Ecomodernism2018-10-26T17:07:23-07:00
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