The Save Indian Point Petition

Quick Links for the Save Indian Point Campaign

  1. Letter to Cuomo: was delivered to Gov. Cuomo on Earth Day and still accepting signatures.
    Note: You can see names and live comments from those signers who used this public page.
  2. Save Indian Point campaign home page
  3. Nuclear NY’s Detailed Support for Saving Indian Point
  4. Video Seminar on Why Saving Indian Point is Critical to meeting NYs climate goals (held on Thursday, 2/23/20 at 4:00 pm ET)
  5. Connect the Dots Livestream Event, (held on Thursday 4/30/20 from 2:00 – 5:00 pm ET)
  6. Why Closing Indian Point is Bad, posted in our Things to Know series.
  7. Save Indian Point Petition (now at 8,500)
  8. Our Press Release and News items.

Access the Live Petition Link at (8,500 signers)

Access a PDF of the petition signatories as of April 24, 2020

Access a PDF of the petitioners’ comments as of April 24, 2020

Access NY ISO’s Realtime Dashboard

Curtailment of the state’s nuclear power started on April 30th, 2020. Nuclear generation has been reduced from 4500 MW to 3800 MW, with the shutdown of the 1000 MW Reactor 2.