By Valerie Gardner Cross-Posted with permission from Atomic Insights.
The American Nuclear Society posted an article entitled How a nuclear victory at COP27 started with a teen and a text reporting on the wonderful story of Ia Aanstoot. This is the 17-year old Swedish highschool student who effectively saved the day for nuclear at COP27 by alerting a WhatsApp chat group with the right people in it, that the final language being used by the COP27 negotiating team for its agreement used the term “renewables” rather than “clean energy” and so excluded consideration of nuclear. Through a chain of texts and resulting prompt action by senior US officials which were relayed back to the negotiating room, a potential clean energy disaster was averted.
Given that there was a quick fix, it seems that the whole threatened exclusion problem arose less because of some deliberately nefarious effort by negotiators to exclude nuclear but rather was due to misguided if casual usage of the word “renewables.” The good news is that, as far as COP27 showed, nuclear energy is sitting at the clean energy table again. The bad news is that many people, including top negotiators, don’t think about the implications of their use of the this word. If nothing else, this story highlights the confusion and potential pitfalls caused by using “renewable,” which is a form of jargon, rather than what is really meant. Some folks use this particular term to cause confusion and some use it because they are confused. In the COP27 case, the use appears to have been inadvertent. Still it seems wise to point out how use of this particular word causes confusion, problems and contributes to our inability to make good climate decisions.
When it comes to choosing which types of energy technology to prioritize and build in order to address climate, we need to stay focused on low-carbon sources, or what we now call “clean” energy. Many people may not realize that all of what is “renewable” is not “clean.” Renewable energy is defined to focus on types of energy that come from “sources that cannot be depleted or which naturally replenish,” an appealing concept but actually a red herring with respect to carbon emissions.
Clearly, some types of renewables are low and non-carbon-emitting energy sources, such as wind and solar. But some renewables are highly emitting sources of energy, namely bioenergy, which includes burning ancient forests, also called biomass energy. Technically, under the proper conditions and given hundreds of years, forests will grow back. But this is not going to happen in the timeframe which matters to humanity.
We have an urgent problem and need to halve global emissions by 2030 and eliminate emissions entirely by 2050. We can’t afford to either lose more forests or wait for trees to grow. Thus, what really matters is knowing whether or not there are carbon emissions that come a source of energy and not whether it might eventually be replenished, even if too late to matter.
We can get this information by looking at the carbon-intensity of energy. We consider low-carbon-intensity “clean” and high-carbon-intensity “dirty.” Unfortunately, many simply assume that all renewables are “clean” but that’s not the case. Bioenergy emits as much carbon as fossil fuels. People applaud our progress when they hear that the percentage of renewables is growing. Yet, according to Bioenergy International, bioenergy produced more than 2/3rds of the energy labelled “renewable.” And that generates high levels of emissions, so this is actually not progress towards emissions reductions.
Lately, the large and growing bioenergy industry has been seen as contributing massively to deforestation. Yet, bioenergy has the burnish of appearing to be “green” because it’s made the political cut and is included as “renewable.” This means that companies cutting down trees have benefitted from the subsidies and incentives intended to increase clean energy. Fortunately, many are starting to be more discerning and are specifically excluding ecologically-damaging types of bioenergy as unsustainable and not worthy of prioritization with climate-focused subsidies.
Politics, lobbying and powerful ideologic preferences are what have brought the term “renewable” into vogue in the first place. This also means that what’s included as renewable differs from place to place. California and a few other states specifically excludes large hydro power but includes small hydropower stations. Not because large hydro emits more carbon or doesn’t rely on the renewing resource of rain but rather because California policymakers decided dams posed too great an ecologic impact and didn’t want to prioritize building more large dams. In other places, renewables includes large hydro. The fact that the definition of what’s renewable varies from place to place, contributes to confusion and lack of clarity. When folks in California hear that there are Canadian provinces running almost entirely on renewable energy, they may think that means they’ve succeeded in building out lots of wind and solar. In fact, it’s predominantly large hydro—which isn’t counted as “renewable” in California.
The biggest problem by far with using the term renewable, however, is that it is invariably defined to exclude nuclear power. This causes the entire nuclear industry—which for decades has produced more clean energy than all other low-carbon sources combined—to be discounted and even sometimes excluded. Not surprising since nuclear has long been maligned and even demonized. Even so, the omission of nuclear as a renewable energy source, whether intentional or not, causes significant problems for those trying to use good data to address climate change.
We cannot make good decisions about how to invest in new energy generation if we don’t get good information about where our clean energy is coming from. Most energy agencies now include reports on levels of Renewables, because they are politically potent. They don’t create reports based on carbon intensity (such as by grouping the low-carbon energy technologies and the high-carbon energy technologies). Thus, people are not shown that their nuclear power plants are contributing to the clean energy being produced. This may induce them to think that nuclear is carbon-emitting—which it isn’t. They will think biofuels are a good thing for the climate—they aren’t. They will also think we have less clean energy than we actually do and agree to pay for more renewables. In certain areas, nuclear power plants are not even credited with producing carbon-free energy that counts towards the region’s clean energy goals! Which explains why a craven, self-interested politician like former Governor Cuomo is able to bend over backwards to save Upstate New York’s nuclear power plants (where they are politically popular with a majority conservative population) and to orchestrate the shuttering of a perfectly good nuclear power plant—Indian Point—in Downstate New York (where nuclear was politically unpopular) and replace that with three new natural gas plants (which were very popular with fossil fuel lobbyists). In short, the misplaced focus on “renewables” also produces misleading data.
New York is a perfect example of how misleading the public about nuclear power’s importance to clean energy is abused. If anyone wanted to understand whether or not to support the closure of Indian Point, looking to the New York’s Independent System Operator (NYISO—whose stated vision is “Working together with stakeholders to build the cleanest, most reliable electric system in the nation”) dashboard for information would have been no help at all. In fact, it would likely have biased you against keeping the nuclear power plant.
NYISO provides stakeholders with two types of pie charts on its Real-Time Energy Dashboard a sample of which is shown above (click charts to enlarge). They have chosen to provide information in two formats: “All Fuels” and “Renewables” (see the label shown on a light gray background). You can see all of the types of energy that contribute to the fuel mix powering the state in the sample chart on the left but the chart doesn’t reflect carbon intensity to help a viewer know which sources are clean energy and which aren’t. So while you can see the mix of fuel types, you won’t be able to see which types of energy are contributing to climate change and which aren’t.
NYISO’s second chart, labeled “Renewables” thus seems to be the answer to the question viewer have about which energy sources are clean. However this chart also doesn’t show carbon intensity or otherwise provide any clear data or information about what’s “clean” or not. This subset is defined in a bizarre way for an energy authority: it includes hydro, wind and “other renewables,” which the agency defines as including solar, methane, refuse and wood. In this example, hydro appears to be the largest source of clean energy for the state. Anyone looking at this chart could easily interpret these two charts to think that the first shows all types of energy and second shows those that are “green” i.e. “clean.” The color choice supports this perception. This of course is grossly wrong and misleading for an energy agency—yet it conforms to what is simply politically-popular energy branding—one that suits politicians, renewable advocates and fossil fuel advocates (which is another story)—despite that being a dereliction of NYISO’s accurate reporting responsibility.
All the types of energy shown in the green color on the second chart are not in fact “green,” low-carbon energy sources. Most all of them emit carbon. Additionally, the second chart omits showing the largest source of New York’s clean energy generation: nuclear power. Shame on you, NYISO! Rate-payers deserve to be shown all of New York’s low-carbon energy. Your job is to deliver less jargon and more facts!
If NYISO wanted to make sure people in New York State knew where their clean electrons were coming from, they could easily produce such a chart based upon the carbon-intensity of each energy source, which is data that they have. Such a chart might be labeled “Zero Emission” (or “Low-carbon,” “Carbon-Free,” “Non-Combustion,” etc.) and would make it very clear that nuclear energy was producing the majority of New York’s clean energy. The Climate Coalition produced a mock up of what such a chart would look shown to the right (used back in 2020, for an earlier article called “NYISO’s Deceptive Reports“). Rather than being based upon a deceptive and carbon-meaningless word like “renewable,” this chart is based upon the carbon-intensity of the fuels. The picture is quite different. New York’s nuclear power is clearly the largest source of clean energy in the state. This is information New York residents deserve from NYISO but which NYISO refuses to provide.
New York’s ISO is not alone in producing deceptive reports that both mislead viewers and undermine support for nuclear energy. Most state system operators follow this same pattern. These professionals are all aware of the climate crisis and the importance of educating people about sources of clean energy—but it appears they are under political constraints. It seems obvious, if your goal is “building the cleanest and most reliable grids” then what people need are reports which show “Emitting/DIrty” energy vs “Non-Emitting/Clean” energy types. These agencies know that Petroleum, Natural Gas, Coal and Bioenergy (biofuels/biowaste/biomass, etc) emit carbon at very high levels. They also know that Nuclear, Large Hydro, Small Hydro, Wind, Solar and Geothermal have significantly lower emissions attributed to them and so do not substantially contribute to climate change, regardless of your politics. They do not help viewers to appreciate these distinctions.
Even the US Energy Information Agency fails to provide data in a useful format that avoids jargon and provides an accurate picture of how well we are doing addressing climate change. Take this chart for example:
The EIA helpfully groups Fossil Fuels and Renewables together but doesn’t show what’s actually clean energy, so we know how well we are doing reducing emissions. Again, a more useful presentation would be one centered around carbon emissions rather than jargon. Here’s the same exact data organized by Nucleation Capital in a way that reflects CO2 emissions. It’s much easier to see the decarbonization achieved in these 12 years:
When we contacted the EIA and asked whether they had any reports that just show energy generation based upon relative impact on climate, we were told “we do not categorize energy sources subjectively as clean or dirty.” Hmm, this is widely-available carbon-intensity data that matters to our future, so why not?
This problem reflects persistant nuclear prejudice and the political popularity of renewables, despite their increasingly obvious poor performance at reducing emissions. This was the gist of a study that was published by Atte Harjanne and Janne M. Korhonen in 2018 entitled “Abandoning the concept of renewable energy.” They write: “In politics, business and academica, renewable energy is often framed as the key solution to the global climate challenge. We, however, argue that the concept of renewable energy is problematic and should be abandoned in favor of more unambiguous conceptualization . . . [as] the key problems the concept of renewable energy has in terms of sustainability, incoherence, policy impacts, bait-and-switch tactics and generally misleading nature.”
Again, it is important to distinguish between those who don’t like the types of energy labelled as “renewable,” and what we are suggesting here. We find that use of the term “renewable” is grossly misleading with respect to the metrics that matter the most to the public and policymakers. The debate about whether or not we should be using solar, wind or biofuels is not what we are concerned with here. Those are worthy debates which endeavor to look at whether or not the amount of land, mined materials, manufacturing, installation, ecosystem impacts, and all-in firming and transmission costs are worthwhile investments achieving both our decarbonization and grid reliability goals.
We are not even questioning the merit of considering certain technologies as “renewable” when forests are being cut down with no guarantees of being replanted. We are only questioning the merit of grouping a limited set of technologies into a catch-all term that is used as a proxy for “clean energy,” when it’s not. Confusing jargon that elevates some technologies, excludes others without true reference to emissions is not helping us make good decisions towards our carbon-reduction goals.
People need clear and accurate information on climate impacts as we make increasingly large investments in transitioning our energy systems, commiting us to energy projects that will have 20, 30, 50-year and longer life-spans. For this, we definitely should avoid anything that hints at ambiguity and stick with what we mean: clean energy. So, in 2023, let’s work to reject use of the word “renewable” and demand that we focus on the distinction that does matter: carbon intensity. Without clear language and understanding, neither the public nor those negotiating our future world agreements can be expected to make good decisions.
1. “How a Nuclear Victory at COP27 Started with a Teen and a Text,” by Amelia Tiemann, published by NuclearNewswire, December 15. 2022.
2. “Renewable Energy Explained: Overview and Types” by EnergySage.
3. “Drax: UK power station owner cuts down primary forests in Canada” by Joe Crowley and Tim Robinson, published in BBC News, October 3, 2022
4. “Under dinosaurs reign, bioenergy the largest renewable energy source,” by Bioenergy International, December 10, 2020.
5. “Australia rejects forest biomass in first blow to wood pellet industry,” by Justin Catanoso, published by Mongabay, December 21, 2022.
6. New York Independent System Operator “Real-Time Dashboard.”
7. ResearchGate: “Abandoning the concept of renewable energy”, by Atte Harjanne and Janne M. Korhonen, December 2018.
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This is terrific Valerie. Bookmarked.
At CGNP there was a debate about whether we should promote an “all-of-the-above” clean energy policy (renewables and nuclear) vs. nuclear alone. I favored the latter approach, but others felt strongly that we needed solar/wind interests on our side. So in the FAQs on our website I relented.
Then in 2019 I received an email from a potential donor. “I would consider donating to your cause, but I see you support wind and solar,” he wrote, then listed all of the reasons why wind and solar guaranteed natural gas an enduring role, etc. etc. The website was changed.
Now, occasionally I get asked at conferences what’s wrong with an “all-hands-on-deck” approach to fighting climate change. “Because with nuclear energy, renewables are unnecessary,” I say. It’s a conversation-ender with solar and wind entrepreneurs – but that’s kind of why I like it.
PS At that will be my focus: fighting the idea a renewable “energy transition” can possibly end consumption of fossil fuel. Focus will be on carbon-neutral synthetic fuels and combating anti-nuclear stereotypes in media. Website in development.