The press often misleads on what renewables deliver

Opinion: The press often misleads on what renewables deliver By Fred Behringer, cross-posted from CT Mirror Reports on renewable energy often inflate their contribution to our energy supply. An example recently appeared in The Connecticut Mirror. In “Plans for offshore wind power blow back into New England” by Jan Ellen [...]

The press often misleads on what renewables deliver2024-07-21T23:15:08-07:00

The US’s 5th Climate Assessment Report

Read the U.S.'s 5th Climate Assessment to See How Bad It Really Is! The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United [...]

The US’s 5th Climate Assessment Report2023-11-15T22:35:49-08:00

Natural gas’ leaks may make it worse for the climate than coal

Natural gas industry leaks makes gas worse than coal Back in July, 2018, Anthony J. Marchese and Dan Zimmerle published an article on CNBC regarding studies attempting to measure the level of leakage of methane gas throughout the industry. They found that, while natural gas was rapidly displacing coal in part [...]

Natural gas’ leaks may make it worse for the climate than coal2023-11-15T21:35:36-08:00

See Nuclear Now

WATCH THIS FILM AND LEARN WHY WE NEED NUCLEAR ENERGY Please use the below links to find theaters & related events Nuclear Now will be 350 Theater across the U.S. on May 1st About the Film: Find theaters & Buy Tickets: NY Times Film Review: Nuclear Now [...]

See Nuclear Now2023-05-01T12:09:37-07:00

Sign the Petition

  SIGN OUR PETITION : Improve the Energiewende! Let clean nuclear, hydro, wind and solar work in unity towards 100% clean! We are sick and tired of the self-defeating bickering within the Climate Movement! By opposing other types of clean energy, we are shooting ourselves in the foot and allowing fossil [...]

Sign the Petition2023-02-06T09:27:15-08:00

PRESS RELEASE: Advocates for Sound Climate and Energy Policy Praise New York for Proposing Nuclear Power

Albany, NY – Today climate scientists, engineers, environmentalists, labor and community leaders applaud the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for recognizing the importance of nuclear power in meeting state energy goals—now and in the future. “It’s a significant step in the right direction,” said Dr. James E. Hansen, [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Advocates for Sound Climate and Energy Policy Praise New York for Proposing Nuclear Power2023-01-01T12:35:22-08:00

Pronuclear Political Candidates

Political Candidate Climate Positions This Airtable has been pre-sorted to group candidates by State and Office Sought. Airtable allows you to scroll across to see all columns. It also lets you reset the width of the displayed rows, to sort, filter, group, ungroup or copy the candidates' answers. Learn [...]

Pronuclear Political Candidates2022-07-21T23:25:57-07:00

Renewables + Nuclear: Partners in Decarbonization

Renewables + Nuclear:  Partners in Decarbonization (The following analysis is available for use for any purpose with attribution to the Climate Coalition.) (Click to download a PDF of this information.) “Nuclear or Renewables” is a false dichotomy when 83.1% of the world’s primary energy [...]

Renewables + Nuclear: Partners in Decarbonization2022-03-24T18:52:08-07:00

What’s Greenwashing?

About Greenwashing Consumer, investors, voters, marketers and even corporations are increasingly aware of the harmful environmental impacts of much of what we consume and are striving to make increasingly sustainable choices and options. Unfortunately, demand for better choices has put pressure on those selling products, services and investments to attract the [...]

What’s Greenwashing?2022-03-17T23:01:01-07:00

Livestreaming for Indian Point

The Climate Coalition Livestream for Indian Point The Livestream Rally for Indian Point was held on Thursday, April 30th, the day slated for curtailment of Indian Point's Reactor 2.  Organized by Generation Atomic, Nuclear New York, Stop Cricket Valley, Protect Orange County, Footprint to Wings and other members of the Climate [...]

Livestreaming for Indian Point2020-05-10T12:58:38-07:00

Dear Governor Cuomo

Dear Governor Cuomo, We thank you for your leadership at this very difficult time. With New York’s number of coronavirus infections now exceeding 250,000, with 57,000 New Yorkers in the hospital and almost 15,000 deaths, we are facing the worst disaster in the state’s recent history and [...]

Dear Governor Cuomo2023-10-14T20:16:50-07:00

Coalition Members

MM Originating Members Rod Adams Meredith Angwin Marc Armstrong Christine Brook Cliff Cockerham Bruno Comby Anthonie Cillliers Grant Draper Diarmuid Foley Allen Frechette Valerie Gardner David Gattie Walter Heenan Gary Kahanak Jared Kasner Margi Kindig Janne [...]

Coalition Members2024-12-12T23:30:59-08:00

Nuclear, but better

Nuclear, but better Following listener requests of discussing nuclear, the Marketplace podcast-Make Me Smart with Kai and Molly-brought on Suzy Hobbs Baker as their nuclear energy expert. Baker is the creative director for the Fastest Path to Zero Initiative at the University of Michigan. The hosts, Kai and Molly, begin the show [...]

Nuclear, but better2020-01-03T10:35:23-08:00

Nuclear Politics

The Political Dilemma Posed by Nuclear Power As of the September 2019 Democratic Climate Debate, the following candidates have one way or another "declared" their support for the use of nuclear and/or advanced nuclear power to address climate:  Cory Booker, Andrew Yang, Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jay [...]

Nuclear Politics2020-01-04T13:12:03-08:00

Sign our Petition

We Demand a Green New Deal Focused on 100% Clean Energy We have launched a MoveOn petition demanding that the Green New Deal being discussed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez focuses on achieving 100% non-emitting clean energy. There are problems with demanding 100% renewables, because this ignores some of our best and [...]

Sign our Petition2019-09-17T10:18:24-07:00

Titans of Nuclear

Who are the “titans” of nuclear? If you are someone who is trying to understand how to solve climate change in the short amount of time we have left, you may have heard that nuclear energy is clean, reliable, and can generate enormous amounts of energy at [...]

Titans of Nuclear2019-10-18T11:27:54-07:00

Climate Impacts of Renewables

MMM The Hidden, Dirty side of Renewables Renewable energy has managed to benefit in popularity with a virtually unblemished brand. Through careful marketing efforts, consumers only see shiny, gleaming images of sparkling solar panels and snow white wind turbines on sunny days.  We never get exposed to the hidden [...]

Climate Impacts of Renewables2019-02-24T14:19:54-08:00

Energy Literacy

<br> We hear repeatedly that climate change is a huge problem that we need to solve. Easier said than done! Where to start? Professional problem solvers, such as engineers, typically start with carefully and methodically defining the problem. In our experience, many who are concerned about climate change do not fully appreciate […]

Energy Literacy2018-10-27T00:02:04-07:00
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